
The problem of emissivity: We have our options ready for you!

Can all devices measure the temperature of any metal?


No, because metallic surfaces in particular have a special influence on IR temperature measurement devices, which massively affect the readings of standard devices. That's why we carefully evaluate each requirement to ensure that our customers get the ideal product for their application.


Fluctuating process-related emissivities or relatively bare surfaces such as aluminium cannot be measured by many IR sensors. The principle of using the shortest possible wavelength IR sensors always applies to metallic surfaces, so that emissivity changes and lower emissivities have as little influence as possible on the measurement.


In the example you can see the dramatically wrong results from a high-quality IR camera when measuring on aluminium surfaces. Since the camera has a long wavelength detector (7..14µm), but the emissivity on aluminium is very low, the results are therefore distorted by nearby heat sources (e.g. a furnace from a neighbouring plant).


Because of this we are prepared to offer convenient alternatives that are ideal for processes such as Hot Forming, Hot Tempering, and/or Hot Stamping. You can find them here:


Hot stamping: MI3, Thermalert 4.0, Endurance, Endurance FOC, MP150

Warm tempering: Endurance, MP150

Warm forming: Thermalert 4.0, Endurance, MP150


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