
Addressing Critical Issues: Adhesive Application in Packaging Operations

Achieving quality consistency in packaging requires an understanding of the complexities involved in adhesive application on manufacturing lines. In the case of food industries, it is crucial to maintain sanitary regulations and standards.

One of the most critical issues affecting adhesive application in packaging is the malfunctioning of nozzles. For instance, if the adhesive nozzles become clogged or worn out due to aging, they may fail to dispense adhesive evenly onto the packaging material. This uneven distribution can result in clumping, overflow, and patchy application areas, which create misalignments. This not only affects the appearance of the packaging but can also compromise the integrity of the seal, potentially leading to damage of items or unsafe food products.

Tackle all your problems with one solution: our HM-Inspector

To address these challenges, Selmatec offers the HM-Inspector system, a solution designed to streamline adhesive applications with precision and efficiency. By ensuring stable temperature and even adhesive distribution, this system mitigates common irregularities and enables instant issue detection.

Here’s how it works!

By combining the optimal hardware, a line scanner, with our tailored software, the HM-Inspector system revolutionizes hot-melt monitoring by automating it with exceptional precision and efficiency. The cutting-edge line scanner focuses on the backing tape, continuously providing real-time data. This data is instantly accessible through the system's software, enabling quick decision-making and adjustments. Bear in mind that the latest IR line scanner, the MP300 series, can now offer double the line frequency from 150Hz to 300Hz significantly enhancing line speed from a maximum of 0.75m/seconds to up to 1.5m/seconds.

Moreover, the HM-Inspector system goes beyond mere monitoring. It also gathers recipe and product-specific job images and communicates essential variables and warning messages to system controls. This proactive approach allows for optimization management, ensuring optimal performance even in fluctuating order patterns.

Try it with an IR-Camera: Furthermore, the system is fully scalable, allowing customization with additional features to meet specific needs. For example, integrating the ThermoView TV30 IR camera series expands functionality for use in discontinuous monitoring, providing versatility and excellent value.

Transform Your Adhesive Applications Today!

A wide range of materials, including felt, foils, foams, and carpets need to be coated with the highest precision to be laminated or glued. Contact our experts today to find out how the HM-Inspector can benefit your business!

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