IR-Solutions for the food industry
In the food industry you will find many standards to regulate and ensure the quality and purity of your products. There are several options, which are often associated with high costs and unwanted compromises, such as shutting down the plants during the installation of quality control systems.
IR-Solutions for the plastics industry
Non-contact infrared pyrometers ensure the immediate and effective determination of temperatures of fast moving measurement objects. In our latest application report you will learn more about our solutions for the different processes in the plastics industry, details about the different absorption bands of plastics, as well as suitable sensor types for your material.
New Version of FLUKE's Spot Size Calculator App
Find the right pyrometer for your project. With this app you can easily calculate/select the right optics for the appropriate device.
Pan and tilt head for IR camera systems
With Fluke Process Instruments’ new pan and tilt head further new application areas (e. g. early fire detection, monitoring of production and storage facilities, tank monitoring) can be implemented in combination with our system software.
HM-Inspector (hot melt adhesive application monitoring systems)
The new edition of our reliable Adhesive Scan HT software supports the operation of multiple state-of-the-art IR linescanners with a line frequency of up to 300 Hz and enables the active regulation assisatnce of discrete feeding pumps/segments.
Read more … HM-Inspector (hot melt adhesive application monitoring systems)
Body temperature measurement system (entrance monitoring)
We are happy to be able to provide you with an efficient tool for the protection of your employees and customers as well as the adherence of your business premises in these difficult times.
Read more … Body temperature measurement system (entrance monitoring)
New fieldbus interfaces for pyrometers
Fluke Process Instruments now also offer their spot pyrometers Thermalert 4.0 with connectivity options for Ethernet, EtherNet/IP and PROFINET IO. Analog or RS485 interfaces are still optionally available. The sensors with Ethernet interface can be supplied with voltage via Power over Ethernet (PoE).
Pyrometers for high temperatures
Fluke Process Instruments extends its Thermalert 4.0 spot pyrometer series, adding new shortwave versions and various additional interface options. The compact, extremely robust infrared thermometers provide noncontact, automatic temperature monitoring.
Machine-Learning-gestützte Thermografie- und Vision-Systemlösungen für Umformprozesse
Fluke Process Instruments, Experte für Infrarot-Temperaturüberwachung, und Systempartner Selmatec Systems zeigen auf der Automotive Engineering Expo (Halle 12, Stand 421) ihre Qualitätssicherungslösungen für Formhärte- und Kaltumformprozesse.
Read more … Machine-Learning-gestützte Thermografie- und Vision-Systemlösungen für Umformprozesse